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Tips.Net (Excelribbon.Tips.Net by Allen Wyatt )
A Shortcut for Switching Focus
Aborting a Macro and Retaining Control
Accepting Only a Single Digit
Accessing Dependent and Precedent Information
Activating the Formula Bar with the Keyboard
Adding a Calendar to a Worksheet
Adding a Comment to Multiple Cells
Adding a Custom Format to those Offered by Excel
Adding a File Path and Filename
Adding a Macro to the Quick Access Toolbar
Adding a Missing Closing Bracket
Adding a ScreenTip
Adding a Statement Showing an Automatic Row Count
Adding a Tool to Clear Borders
Adding and Formatting a Shape via Macro
Adding Area Codes to Phone Numbers
Adding Comments to Protected Worksheets
Adding Dashes between Letters
Adding Differently Formatted Text to a Cell
Adding Drop Shadows
Adding Last-Row Data to a Page Footer
Adding Leading Zeroes to ZIP Codes
Adding Ordinal Notation to Dates
Adding Spaces in Front of Capital Letters
Adding the Set Print Area Tool
Adding the Set Print Area Tool
Adding Up Tops and Bottoms
Adjusting a Path Based on System and User
Adjusting Cell Margins for More White Space
Adjusting Center Across Selection with a Cell Value
Adjusting Comment Printouts
Adjusting Formulas for Top-Added Rows
Adjusting Formulas when Pasting
Adjusting Row Height for a Number of Worksheets
Adjusting Spell Check for Internet Addresses
Adjusting Status Bar Font Size
Adjusting Times for Time Zones
Adjusting to a Maximum Row Height
Adjusting to a Maximum Row Height
Adjusting Values with Formulas
Adjusting Your View of 3-D Graphs
Advanced Filtering
Advancing Dates to a New Year
Ages in Years and Months
Alerts About Approaching Due Dates
Aligning Cells when Importing from CSV
Allowing for Prefixes and Suffixes in Find and Replace
Allowing for Prefixes and Suffixes in Find and Replace
Allowing for Words that Contain Numbers
Alphabetic Column Designation
Alphabetizing Worksheet Tabs
Alphabetizing Worksheet Tabs
Alt+Enter Stopped Working Correctly
Altering the Displayed Format of Numbers to the Nearest 100
Always Open at 100% Zoom
Always Opening a Workbook that is Editable
An Average that Excludes Zero Values
Anchoring Comment Boxes in Desired Locations
Animated Recalculation in Excel
Appending to a Non-Excel Text File
Applying Range Names to Formulas
Applying Table Formats
Arranging Workbook Windows
Assigning Macros to Graphics
AutoFill Won't Work as Expected
AutoFilling Numbers with a Trailing Period
AutoFilling with Weekdays
Automatic Row Height for Wrapped Text
Automatic Selection of Portrait or Landscape
Automatic Text in an E-mail
Automatically Adding 20% to an Entry
Automatically Advancing by a Month
Automatically Advancing by a Month
Automatically Breaking Text
Automatically Breaking Text
Automatically Capitalizing Day Names
Automatically Changing a Cell's Background Color
Automatically Converting to GMT
Automatically Copying Formatting
Automatically Displaying Thumbnails of a Graphic File
Automatically Enabling Macros for Specific Workbooks
Automatically Entering a Data Entry Time
Automatically Formatting for Decimal Places
Automatically Formatting for Decimal Places
Automatically Hiding the Personal Workbook
Automatically Loading Add-ins
Automatically Moving from Cell to Cell when Entering Data
Automatically Numbering Rows
Automatically Placing Text in a Comment
Automatically Protecting After Input
Automatically Renaming Worksheets
Automating the Importing of Macros
Averaging Based on Multiple Criteria
Averaging Values for a Given Month and Year
Averaging without Hidden Cells
Avoiding Rounding Errors in Formula Results
Backing Up Custom Dictionaries
Backing Up Quick Access Toolbars
Backwards Date Parsing
Black and White Blues
Breaking Up Variable-Length Part Numbers
Bypassing the BeforeClose Event
Calculating a Group Retirement Date
Calculating a Sum for a Range of Dates
Calculating an Age On a Given Date
Calculating an Age On a Given Date
Calculating an Average Time
Calculating an ISBN Check Digit
Calculating Averages by Date
Calculating Business Days
Calculating Combinations
Calculating Differences in Months using Non-Standard Date Values
Calculating Elapsed Time with Excluded Periods
Calculating Fractions of Years
Calculating Future Workdays
Calculating Months for Billing Purposes
Calculating Months of Tenure
Calculating Only the Active Workbook
Calculating Statistical Values on Different-Sized Subsets of Data
Calculating the Day of the Year
Calculating the Distance between the Top of the Window and Row 1
Calculating the First Tuesday
Calculating the Last Day in a Week Number
Calculating TV Time
Calculating Week-Ending Dates
Calculating Weekend Dates
Calling a Macro from the Workbook_Open Event
Calling a Subroutine from a UDF
Can't Access the Registry
Can't Copy Data between Workbooks
Can't Set Custom Format in VBA
Can't Sort Imported Data
Can't Use Hyperlinks
Cannot Add Worksheets to a Workbook
Capitalizing Just a Surname
Cell Address of a Maximum Value
Cell Address of a Maximum Value
Cell and Name References in COUNTIF
Cell and Name References in COUNTIF
Cell Movement After Enter
Change characters in cells
Changes in Font Size when Copying
Changing an Invalid Autosave Folder
Changing Cell Values while Printing
Changing Cell Values while Printing
Changing Control Panel Views
Changing Currency Formatting for a Single Workbook
Changing Default Row Height
Changing Directories in a Macro
Changing Elements in Lots of Charts at One Time
Changing Error Checking Rules
Changing Excel's Starting Date
Changing Font Face and Size Conditionally
Changing Fonts in Multiple Workbooks
Changing Gridline Color
Changing Huge Numbers of Hyperlinks
Changing Limited Relative References to Absolute
Changing Links
Changing Macro Cell References Based on Edits
Changing Months in a Workbook
Changing Months in a Workbook
Changing Multiple Cells at Once
Changing Multiple Cells at Once
Changing Number Display Settings for Single Workbooks
Changing Number Display Settings for Single Workbooks
Changing Page Number Format
Changing Paper Size for a Complete Workbook
Changing Paper Size for a Complete Workbook
Changing Portions of Many Hyperlinks
Changing Portions of Many Hyperlinks
Changing References in a Lot of Defined Names
Changing Section Headers
Changing Shading when a Column Value Changes
Changing Text in Text Boxes on a Chart
Changing the Axis Scale
Changing the Background Color for a Comment
Changing the Color of a Cell Border
Changing the Color of Worksheet Gridlines
Changing the Comment Font
Changing the Comment Indicator Color
Changing the Cycling Sequence for the F4 Cell Reference Shortcut
Changing the Default Drive
Changing the Default Drive
Changing the Default Font
Changing the Default Paste Mode
Changing the Default Text Import Delimiter
Changing the Default Vertical Alignment
Changing the Outline Color of the Selected Cell
Changing the Percent Symbol
Changing the Reference in a Named Range
Changing the Ribbon's Size and Look
Changing the Size of a Graphic
Changing the Start Screen's Theme
Changing to a Non-US Date Format
Changing Width and Height to Inches
Changing Width and Height to Inches
Changing Your Name
Character display characters ASCI
Checking for a Value in a Cell
Checking for an Entry in a Cell
Checking for Either of Two Text Values
Checking for Proper Entry of Array Formulas
Checking for Text
Checking for the Existence of a File
Checking for Time Input
Checking if a Workbook is Already Open
Checking Lock Status of Cells
Checking the Scope of a Defined Name
Choosing Direction after Enter On a Workbook Basis
Choosing Direction after Enter On a Workbook Basis
Cleaning Text
Clearing and Deleting Cells
Clearing and Deleting Cells
Clearing Everything Except Formulas
Clearing Large Clipboard Entries
Clearing Only Filtering Settings
Clearing the Clipboard in a Macro
Clearing the Print Area
Clearing the Undo Stack in a Macro
Closing a Read-Only Workbook
Closing Excel when Closing the Last Workbook
Collating Copies
Coloring Identical Company Names
Colors - Converting HSL to RGB
Column Formatting Based On a Filter
Combinations for Members in Meetings
Combinations for Members in Meetings
Combining Cell Contents
Combining Columns
Combining Columns
Combining Multiple Rows in a Column
Combining Numbers and Text in a Cell
Comma-Delimited and MS-DOS CSV Variations
Comma-Delimited Differences for PC and Mac
Comparing Formulas on Two Worksheets
Complex Data Input Limitations
Concatenating Values from a Variable Number of Cells
Condensing Sequential Values to a Single Row
Conditional Formats for Odd and Even Columns
Conditional Formats that Distinguish Blanks and Zeroes
Conditional Formatting Based on Date Proximity
Conditional Formatting for Errant Phone Numbers
Conditional Formatting with Data Imported from Access
Conditional Printing
Conditionally Deleting Rows
Conditionally Deleting Rows
Conditionally Displaying a Message Box
Conditionally Formatting an Entire Row
Conditionally Formatting Cells Containing Dates
Conditionally Formatting for a Pattern
Conditionally Formatting for a Pattern
Conditionally Highlighting Cells Containing Formulas
Conditionally Setting the Color of Worksheet Tabs
Controlling Automatic Formatting of Dates
Controlling Data Entry in a Cell
Controlling Data Entry in a Cell
Controlling Entry Order on Unprotected Cells
Controlling How Excel Interprets Percentages
Controlling Sorting Order
Controlling the Behavior of the Mouse Wheel
Controlling the Printer in a Macro
Controlling Window Size when Opening Additional Workbooks
Converting a Range of URLs to Hyperlinks
Converting an Unsupported Date Format
Converting Coded Dates into Real Dates
Converting Codes to Characters
Converting Dates to Text
Converting Dates to Text
Converting European Dates to US Dates
Converting from Relative to Absolute
Converting Imported Information to Numeric Values
Converting Mainframe Date Formats
Converting Numbers Into Words
Converting Numbers to Strings
Converting Numeric Values to Times
Converting PDF to Excel
Converting Phone Numbers
Converting Phone Numbers
Converting Radians to Degrees
Converting Strings to Numbers
Converting Text to Values
Converting Time Notation to Decimal Notation
Converting to ASCII Text
Converting to Hexadecimal
Converting to Octal
Converting UNIX Date-Time Stamps
Converting UTC Times to Local Times
Copying a Hyperlink to Lots of Worksheets
Copying a Set Range from Multiple Worksheets to a New Worksheet
Copying a Single Cell to Multiple Worksheets
Copying Comments to Cells
Copying Comments to Cells
Copying Data between Worksheets Using a Macro
Copying Data without Leaving the Currently Selected Cell
Copying Data without Leaving the Currently Selected Cell
Copying Dates a Year Into the Future
Copying Formats to a New Worksheet
Copying from the Task Bar
Copying Headers and Footers
Copying Headers or Footers within a Workbook
Copying Named Ranges
Copying Rows between Worksheets Based on a Text Value
Copying Rows between Worksheets Based on a Text Value
Copying the Results of Filtering
Copying to Very Large Ranges
Copying Worksheet Code Automatically
Copying Worksheets in a Macro
Correcting a Capital Mistake
Countering Compressed Columns
Counting All Characters
Counting Alphabetic Characters in a String
Counting Alphabetic Characters in a String
Counting Asterisks
Counting Asterisks in a Column
Counting Cells According to Case
Counting Cells Containing a Formula
Counting Cells with Specific Characters
Counting Commas in a Selection
Counting Commas in a Selection
Counting Comments in a Worksheet
Counting Consecutive Negative Numbers
Counting Consecutive Negative Numbers
Counting Dates in a Range
Counting Dates in a Range
Counting Displayed Cells
Counting Empty Colored Cells
Counting Filtered Rows
Counting Month Ends
Counting Occurrences of Words
Counting Odds and Evens
Counting Only Money Winners
Counting Ports of Call with a PivotTable
Counting Precedents and Dependents
Counting Precedents and Dependents
Counting Unique Values
Counting Unique Values
Counting Unique Values with Functions
Counting Wins and Losses
Counting Wins and Losses
Counting with Formulas
Counting with PivotTables
Counting Words
Counting Words
Creating a Center Across Selection Button
Creating a Center Across Selection Button
Creating a Copy without Formulas
Creating a CSV File
Creating a Dated Backup File
Creating a Directory in a Macro
Creating a Dynamic Hyperlink
Creating a Floating Macro Button
Creating a JPG File from a Chart
Creating a Plus-Minus Button
Creating a Sort Order
Creating a String in a Macro
Creating a Workbook Clone
Creating a Year-to-Date Comparison Chart
Creating Add-Ins
Creating an Animated Count Up
Creating and Naming a Worksheet Using a Macro
Creating and Naming a Worksheet Using a Macro
Creating Charts in VBA
Creating Default Formatting for Workbooks and Worksheets
Creating Dependent Cells
Creating Individual PDFs by Worksheet
Creating Individual Workbooks
Creating Long Page Footers
Creating Sparklines
Creating Two-Line Custom Formats
Creating Workbooks for Individual Worksheets
Creating Worksheets from a List of Names
Creating Worksheets from a List of Names
Creating Worksheets with a Macro
Criteria-Based Counting in a Filtered Column
Cropping Graphics
Cropping Graphics in a Macro
Ctrl+Break Won't Work to Stop a Macro
Custom Formats for Scientific Notation
Custom Page Numbers on Printouts
Date Last Edited
Date Last Edited
Dates and Times
Dates Copied Incorrectly
Dates with Periods
Days Left in the Year
Dealing with Large Numbers of Seconds
Dealing with Midnight Ending a Day
Dealing with Midnight Ending a Day
Dealing with Small Time Values
Debugging a Macro
Decimal Tab Alignment
Deciphering a Coded Date
Declaring Variables
Default Cell Movement when Deleting
Default Worksheet when Opening
Defeating Automatic Date Parsing
Defeating Date Parsing when Pasting Information
Defining a Single Condition
Defining Shortcut Keys for Symbols
Delaying in a Macro (Application.Wait)
Deleting a File in a Macro
Deleting a View
Deleting All Characters Up Through a Unique Character Sequence
Deleting All Names but a Few
Deleting All Rows Except for the End of Month
Deleting Blank Columns
Deleting Blank Rows
Deleting Conditional Formatting
Deleting Dates within Text Strings
Deleting Duplicate Columns
Deleting Duplicate Text Values
Deleting Every X Rows
Deleting Everything Except Formulas
Deleting Everything Up to a Character Sequence
Deleting Graphics when Deleting a Row
Deleting Old Data from a Worksheet
Deleting Old Data from a Worksheet
Deleting Rows before a Cutoff Date
Deleting Rows Containing Struck-Through Text
Deleting Stubborn Links
Deleting Unwanted Styles
Deleting VBA Code in a Copied Worksheet
Deleting Worksheet Code in a Macro
Deleting Zero Values from a Data Table
Deleting Zero Values from a Data Table
Delimited Text-to-Columns in a Macro
Deriving an Absolute (numerisk) Value in a Macro
Deriving High and Low Non-Zero Values
Deriving Monthly Median Values
Detecting Errors in Conditional Formatting Formulas
Detecting Hidden Rows
Detecting Hidden Rows
Detecting Types of Sheets in VBA
Determining a Format's Currency Symbol
Determining a Name for a Week Number
Determining a Random Value
Determining a Value of a Cell
Determining a Worksheet's Number
Determining a Zodiac Sign from a Birthdate
Determining an ANSI Value in a Macro
Determining an Integer Value
Determining Business Quarters from Dates
Determining Combinations to Make a Total
Determining Combinations to Make a Total
Determining Differences Between Dates
Determining Font Formatting
Determining How Many Windows are Open
Determining If a Cell is Bold
Determining If a Date and Time is within Working Hours
Determining If a Date is between Other Dates
Determining If a File Exists
Determining If a Value is Out of Limits
Determining If a Workbook is Referenced by Another Workbook
Determining If a Year is a Leap Year
Determining If a Year is a Leap Year
Determining if Calculation is Necessary
Determining Month Names for a Range of Dates
Determining the Current Directory
Determining the Day of the Month
Determining the Least Common Multiple
Determining the Length of a Text File
Determining the Number of Visible Columns
Determining the Number of Visible Columns
Determining the RGB Value of a Color
Determining Your Version of Excel
Develop Macros in Their Own Workbook
Differences between Tables and Named Ranges
Different Cell Movement in a Single Worksheet
Different CSV Formats
Disabled Macros
Disabled Page Setup Tools
Disabling #SPILL! Errors
Disabling a Function Key
Disabling a Function Key
Disabling All Function Keys Except One
Disabling the F1 Key
Disappearing Status Bar
Discovering Dependent Workbooks
Displaying a Count of Zeros on the Status Bar
Displaying a Hidden First Column
Displaying a Number as Years and Months
Displaying a PivotTable's Name in the PivotTable
Displaying a PivotTable's Name in the PivotTable
Displaying a Result as Minutes and Seconds
Displaying a Result as Minutes and Seconds
Displaying a Set Column Range
Displaying Excel's Developer Tab
Displaying Latitude and Longitude
Displaying Negative Percentages in Red
Displaying Negative Times
Displaying Numbers as Spaced Pairs
Displaying Page Breaks
Displaying Page Breaks
Displaying Row and Column Labels
Displaying the "Last Modified" Date
Displaying the First Worksheet in a Macro
Displaying the First Worksheet in a Macro
Displaying the Print Dialog Box in a Macro
Displaying the Selected Cell's Address (Microsoft Excel)
Displaying Worksheets in a Slideshow Fashion
Dissecting a String
Dividing the Screen Unevenly between Two Workbooks
Dividing the Screen Unevenly between Two Workbooks
Dividing Values
Dividing Values
DOS from Macros
DOS from Macros
Dynamic Headers and Footers
Dynamic Worksheet Tab Names
Dynamically Changing Worksheet Tab Color
Easily Adding Blank Rows
Easily Changing Links
Easily Changing the Default Drive and Directory
Easily Dividing Values by 1000
Easily Dividing Values by 1000
Easily Printing to PDF
Easy Value Hiding
Editing a Comment Close to Its Cell
Editing a Hyperlink
Editing a Hyperlink
Editing Comments
Editing Individual Cells
Editing the Same Cell in Multiple Sheets
Embedding Your Phone Number in a Workbook
Empty Cells Triggers Error
Enabling Circular References by Default
Enabling Editing Erases Worksheet
Enabling Editing Erases Worksheet
Enabling Filters by Default
Enabling Macros (Trust center)
End-of-Month Calculations
Enforcing a desired Font
Enforcing Moving Cells Up
Engineering Calculations
Enlarging the Formula Bar
Ensuring Conditional Formatting and Data Validation is Copied
Ensuring Conditional Formatting and Data Validation is Copied
Ensuring Rows and Columns are Empty
Ensuring Standard Units During Data Entry
Entered Values are Divided by 100
Entering a Date in a Filter (Microsoft Excel)
Entering Characters with Diacritical Marks
Entering Data as Thousands
Entering Dates without Separators
Entering Dates without Separators
Entering Info into Multiple Cells
Entering Info into Multiple Cells
Entering Large Time Values
Entering Negative Times
Error when Double-Clicking Workbook Files
Errors when Copying References to External Cells
Establishing a FLOOR and CEILING
Evaluating Formulas
Every Second Tuesday
Exact Formula Copies
Excel Charts in PowerPoint
Excel Self-Tests
Excluding a Specific Add-In at Startup
Excluding Values from Averaging
Executing a Macro After Printing is Done
Executing a Macro Every 15 Minutes
Expiration Date for Excel Programs
Extracting a Pattern from within Text
Extracting a State and a ZIP Code
Extracting E-mail Addresses from Hyperlinks
Extracting E-mail Addresses from Hyperlinks
Extracting File Names from a Path
Extracting First and Last Words
Extracting First and Last Words
Extracting Hyperlink Information
Extracting Numbers within a Range
Extracting Numbers within a Range
Extracting Proper Words
Extracting Street Numbers from an Address
Extracting URLs from Hyperlinked Images
Extracting URLs from Hyperlinks
Extracting URLs from Hyperlinks
Faster Text File Conversions
Filling a Cell
Filling a Range of Cells with Values
Filling a Range of Cells with Values
Filling References to Another Workbook
Filtering for Comments
Filtering for Purchases within a Given Month
Find and Replace in Headers
Finding a Worksheet to Unhide among Many Hidden Sheets
Finding a Worksheet with a Specific Value in a Specific Cell
Finding a Worksheet with a Specific Value in a Specific Cell
Finding and Replacing in Text Boxes
Finding and Replacing with Subscripts
Finding Based on Displayed Results
Finding Boolean Values
Finding Cells Filled with a Particular Color
Finding Cells that Use Conditional Formatting
Finding Circular References
Finding Columns of a Certain Width
Finding Columns of a Certain Width
Finding Odd Values Greater Than 50
Finding Positions of Formatted Characters in a Cell
Finding the Address of the Lowest Value in a Range
Finding the Date Associated with a Negative Value
Finding the Date Associated with a Negative Value
Finding the Directory Name
Finding the First Non-Digit in a Text Value
Finding the First Non-Digit in a Text Value
Finding the Last-Used Cell in a Macro
Finding the Last-Used Cell in a Macro
Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Character
Finding the Nth Root of a Number
Finding the Nth Root of a Number
Finding the Number of Significant Digits
Finding the Parent Folder
Finding the Parent Folder
Finding the Path to the Desktop
Finding the Previous Work Day
Finding the Size of a Workbook
Finding the Smallest Even Value
Finding the Widest Cell Contents
Finding Unique Rows Based on Two Columns
Finding Unused Names
Finding Unused Names
Finding Workbooks Containing Macros
First and Last Names in a Page Header
Fixed-Width Settings when Converting Text to Columns
Fixing a Numeric Keypad Key
Fixing Odd Sorting Behavior
Fixing the Decimal Point
Flashing Cells
Flashing Cells
Forcing a Macro to Run when a Worksheet is Recalculated
Forcing a Workbook to Close after Inactivity
Forcing a Worksheet to be Protected Again
Forcing a Worksheet to be Protected Again
Forcing Editing to Be Done in a Cell
Forcing Excel to Sort Cells as Text
Forcing Stubborn Recalculation
Forcing Stubborn Recalculation
Forcing Worksheets to Print on a New Sheet
Forcing Worksheets to Print on a New Sheet
Formatted Dates Appear Differently on Different Systems
Formatting Axis Patterns
Formatting Canadian Postal Codes
Formatting Currency
Formatting for Hundredths of Seconds
Formatting Subtotal Rows
Freezing Both Rows and Columns
Freezing Top Rows and Bottom Rows
Freezing Top Rows and Bottom Rows
Freezing Worksheet Tabs
Frequent Workbook Recovery Prompts
Friendly and Informative Error Handling
Full Path Names in Excel
Full Path to Workbook
Functions that Can Access Closed Workbooks
Generating a Keyword Occurrence List
Generating a List of Macros
Generating Automatic Links to Audio Files
Generating Double-Digit Random Numbers
Generating Random Door Access Codes (Microsoft Excel)
Generating Random Strings
Generating Random Strings of Characters
Generating Random Strings of Characters
Generating Random Testing Data
Generating Unique, Sequential Names
Get Rid of Web Stuff
Getting a Conditional Count of Cells Containing Values
Getting a Conditional Count of Cells Containing Values
Getting a Count of Unique Names
Getting a File Name
Getting a File Name
Getting a List of Matching Cells
Getting Audible Feedback
Getting Cortana to Listen to You
Getting Notification a Recalculation is Necessary
Getting Rid of 8-Bit ASCII Characters
Getting Rid of All Hyperlinks
Getting Rid of All Rows Except the One for the Latest Date
Getting Rid of Alphabetic Characters
Getting Rid of Empty Rows after Importing
Getting Rid of Everything Except Numbers
Getting Rid of Extra Quote Marks in Exported Text Files
Getting Rid of Leading Zeros in a Number Format
Getting Rid of Non-Printing Characters Intelligently
Getting Rid of Numbered Columns
Getting Rid of Spaces in Cells
Getting Rid of Workbook Links
Getting Stock Information into Excel
Getting the Name of the Parent Workbook
Getting the Name of the Worksheet Into a Cell
Getting the Name of the Worksheet Into a Cell
Getting User Input in a Dialog Box
Getting User Input in a Dialog Box
Grabbing a User's Name from Excel
Grabbing a User's Name from Excel
Grabbing the MRU List
Handling Leading Zeros in CSV Files
Handling Negative Numbers in a Complex Custom Format
Handling Negative Numbers in a Complex Custom Format
Hash Marks Displayed Instead of Cell Contents
Having an Image Appear Multiple Times in a Worksheet
Hiding a Huge Number of Rows
Hiding a Huge Number of Rows
Hiding a Hyperlink on a Printout
Hiding and Protecting Columns
Hiding Columns Based on a Cell Value
Hiding Columns Not within a Date Range
Hiding Errors on Printouts
Hiding Individual Cells
Hiding Macros
Hiding Rows Based on Two Values
Highlighting After-Hours Times
Highlighting Cells Containing both Letters and Numbers
Highlighting Cells Containing both Letters and Numbers
Highlighting Cells Containing Specific Text
Highlighting Greater Than Average Dry Durations
Highlighting Pattern Violations
Highlighting Values that are 10x a Baseline Value
How Excel Stores Dates and Times
How Excel Treats Disk Files
How Many Rows and Columns Have I Selected
How Operators are Evaluated
How Operators are Evaluated
Hyperlink Doesn't Match Cell Contents
Hyperlinks No Longer Work in a Workbook
Identifying Digit-Only Part Numbers Excluding Special Characters
Identifying Merged Cells
Identifying the Last Cell Changed in a Worksheet
Identifying the Last Cell Changed in a Worksheet
Identifying Values that Don't Follow a Specific Pattern
Ignoring Case in a Comparison
Ignoring Case in a Comparison
Ignoring N-A Values in a Sum
Ignoring N/A Values in a Sum
Ignoring Selected Words when Sorting
Images Pile Up when Filtering
Importing a Subset of Records
Importing a Subset of Records
Importing Based on a Partial File Name
Importing Based on a Partial File Name
Importing Huge Data Files
Inadvertantly Getting Rid of Frozen Panes
Including Weeks in Elapsed Time
Increasing Row Height for Printing
Increasing Undo Levels
Incrementing Copy Numbers for Printouts
Incrementing Months in Dates
Incrementing Numeric Portions of Serial Numbers
Indenting Cell Contents
Independent Radio Buttons
Indirect References to a DSUM Parameter
Indirectly Referencing a Cell on a Different Worksheet
Inserting a Page Break Every X Rows
Inserting a Page Break Every X Rows
Inserting a Radical Symbol
Inserting a Radical Symbol
Inserting a Watermark Behind Merged Cells
Inserting Different Dashes
Inserting Hyperlinks
Inserting the Current Time with Seconds
Inserting the User's Name in a Cell
Inserting Tomorrow's Date
Inserting Video into Worksheets
Inserting Workbook Comments Into a Cell
Inserting Worksheet Values with a Macro
Invalid Names when Opening Workbook
Invalid Names when Opening Workbook
ISO Week Numbers in Excel
Item Not Available in Library
Iterating Circular References
Jumping to a Range
Jumping to a Specific Cell Using a Hyperlink
Jumping to a Specific Worksheet
Jumping to the Real Last Cell
Jumping to the Start of the Next Data Entry Row
Keeping a Max Value in a Cell
Last Non-Zero Value in a Row
Last Saved Date in a Footer
Leading Zeros in Page Numbers
Leap Years and Fiscal Periods
Leaving a Cell Value Unchanged If a Condition Is False
Leaving Trace Precedents Turned On
Limiting a Calculated Value to a Range
Limiting Choices in a Cell
Limiting Entries to Numeric Values
Limiting Entry of Names
Limiting Entry of Prior Dates
Limiting Entry of Prior Dates
Limiting How Many Times a Worksheet Can Be Calculated
Limiting Input by Time of Day
Limiting Input by Time of Day
Limiting Input to Two Decimal Places
Limiting Number of Characters in a Cell
Limiting Printing to a Workbook from a Set Location
Limiting Scroll Area
Limiting Searching to a Column
Limiting the Number of Characters in a Cell
Limiting Where a Workbook is Used
Limiting Who Can Delete Data
Links between Two Desktop Workbooks
Links to Hyperlinks
Listing Combinations
Listing Dates at Regular Intervals
Loading Unwanted Files at Startup
Locating a Single-Occurrence Value in a Column
Locating a Single-Occurrence Value in a Column
Locking All Non-Empty Cells
Locking the Background Color
Locking the Print Area
Locking the Print Area
Locking the Size of Pictures in Comments
Locking Worksheet Names
Looking Backward through a Data Table
Losing Data in a Shared Workbook
Macro Fails after Filter
Macro for Month Name
Macro Runs Slowly, but Steps Quickly
Macro Runs Slowly, but Steps Quickly
Macros Not Available in Later Versions of Excel
Macros Run Fine Individually, but Not Collectively
Magnifying Only the Current Cell
Maintaining the Active Cell
Making a Cell's Contents Bold within a Macro
Making a Cell's Contents Italics within a Macro
Making a Macro Button Stay Put
Making a Named Range Non-Scrollable (Microsoft Excel)
Making All Occurrences Bold
Making All Occurrences Bold
Making Changes in a Group of Workbooks
Making Multiple Worksheet Copies
Making Page Breaks More Visible
Making Pane Settings Persist
Making PROPER Skip Certain Words
Making Ribbon Customizations Apply to All Workbooks
Making Sure Cells are Filled In before Saving
Making Sure Numbers Copy as Numbers
Making VLOOKUP Case Sensitive
Making VLOOKUP Trigger a Macro
Making Worksheet Copies for Daily Shifts
Making Your Formulas Check for Errors
Massive Printouts
Matching Formatting when Concatenating
Median of Selected Numbers
Merge and Center Not Available
Message about a Problem with the Clipboard
Missing PivotTable Data
Missing Row Numbers
Modified Rounding
Modifying Error Alerts Received
Monitoring the Number of Formats Defined
Monitoring the Number of Formats Defined
Month for the Nth Sunday
Mouse Click Event in VBA
Mouse Scroll Wheel Doesn't Work when Editing Formulas
Mouse Scroll Wheel Doesn't Work with Some Worksheets
Moving and Selecting Rows
Moving and Selecting Rows
Moving Between and Selecting Sheets with the Keyboard
Moving Cells Using the Mouse
Moving Cells Using the Mouse
Moving Custom Formats to Number Formatting Categories
Moving from Sheet to Sheet
Moving from Sheet to Sheet
Moving Macros from the Personal Workbook
Moving Part of a Footer Down a Line
Moving Subtotals
Moving the House Number to Its Own Cell
MRU Files Won't Display
Naming Tabs for Weeks
Negating a Cell Using a Macro
Nesting IF Worksheet Functions
Nifty Zooming
Non-adjusting References in Formulas
Non-standard Sorting
Not Enough Resources to Delete Rows and Columns
Notification when Recalculation is Done
Noting Inactivity within a Timeframe
Noting the Workbook Creation Date
Number Formatting Shortcuts
Odd Arrow Key Behavior
Offering Options in a Macro
Omitting Page Numbers on Some Pages
Only Showing the Maximum of Multiple Iterations
Opening a Workbook and Suppressing Automatic Macros
Opening a Workbook to a Specific Worksheet
Opening a Workbook to a Specific Worksheet
Opening a Workbook with Two Windows
Opening an HTML Page in a Macro
Opening Personal.xlsb
Opening Sites in a Browser
Opening Two Workbooks with the Same Name
Ordering Worksheets Based on a Cell Value
Ordering Worksheets Based on a Cell Value
Out of Kilter Borders
Out of Memory Errors for Macros
Outlining Cells Referenced in a Formula
Page Numbers in VBA
Parsing Non-Standard Date Formats
Password Protecting Specific Columns in a Worksheet
Paste Special - Retaining Formatting After a Paste Multiply
Pasting a Graphic to Multiple Worksheets
Pasting and Matching Destination Formatting
Pasting Excel Data within Word's Page Margins
Pasting HTML without Hyperlinks
Pasting Into a Comment
Pasting Leading Zeroes
Pasting Multiple Paragraphs Into a Single Cell
Pasting Numeric Values in Other Programs
Pasting Pictures into a Comment
Pasting without Updating References
Patterns of Numbers with a Formula
Performing Calculations while Filtering
Performing Complex Sorts
Performing Complex Sorts
Personal Workbook Fails to Load
Picking Different Random Numbers from a Range
Picking Worksheets Quickly
Pictures inside Shapes
Placing Textbox Text Into a Worksheet
Playing with a Full Deck
Plotting Times of Day
Pointing PivotTables to Different Data
Pop-Up Comments for Graphics
Positioning a Column on the Screen
Positioning a Graphic in a Macro
Preserving the Undo List
Preventing Someone from Recreating a Protected Worksheet
Previous Column Values in a Drop-Down List
Print tabs. Specifying the Y Value in X of Y Page Numbering
Printing a Chart Across Multiple Pages
Printing a Portion of a Worksheet
Printing a Single Column in Multiple Columns
Printing a Week of Planner Sheets
Printing a Worksheet List
Printing a Worksheet List
Printing All or Nothing
Printing an Entire Workbook by Default
Printing Columns and Rows
Printing Comments
Printing Formatted Comments
Printing Gridlines by Default
Printing in Black and White and Color
Printing Just the Visible Data
Printing Multiple Selections
Printing Multiple Worksheet Ranges
Printing Odd or Even Pages
Printing Only Non-Blank Worksheets
Printing Row Numbers
Printing Row Numbers
Printing Rows Conditionally
Printing Selected Cells by Default
Printing Selected Worksheets
Printing Workbook Properties
Problem with Missing Context Menu Option
Problems Pasting Information into a Worksheet
Problems with Default Workbook and Worksheet Templates
Progression Indicator in a Macro
Progression Indicator in a Macro
Prohibiting Single-Digit Entries in a Cell
Proper Case Conversion with Exceptions
Properties for Worksheets
Protecting a Worksheet's Format
Protecting a Worksheet's Format
Protecting an Entire Folder of Workbooks
Protecting an Entire Workbook
Protecting Formulas in Control-Linked Cells
Protecting Many Worksheets
Protecting Many Worksheets
Protecting Print Settings
Protecting Worksheets from Deletion
Protecting Your Conditional Formatting Rules
Pulling All Fridays
Pulling Apart a URL
Pulling Apart Cells
Pulling Apart Characters in a Long String
Pulling Cell Names into VBA
Pulling Filenames into a Worksheet
Pulling First Letters from Parenthetical Text
Pulling Text from a Cell and Placing It in a Shape
Pushing Dates Into Last Month
Putting a Different Date in a Header
Putting an X in a Clicked Cell
Putting Cell Contents in Footers
Putting Headers and Footers on Multiple Worksheets
Putting the Last Saved Date in a Cell
Quickly Adding Formulas Referencing Multiple Worksheets
Quickly Dumping Array Contents
Quickly Entering Dates and Times
Quickly Filling a Column
Quickly Updating Values
Random Width and Height Changes
Randomly Assigning Names to Items
Ranges on Multiple Worksheets
Ranges on Multiple Worksheets
Reading Values from Graphs
Recovering Macros from Corrupted Workbooks
References to Hyperlinks aren't Hyperlinks
Referencing External Cell Colors
Referencing the Last Six Items in a Formula
Referencing Worksheet Tabs
Refreshing PivotTable Data
Relative References to Cells in Other Workbooks
Relative References when Recording Macros
Relative VBA Selections
Relative Worksheet References
Relative Worksheet References when Copying
Reliable Display of X-Y Values in a Chart
Remembering Commonly Used Workbooks
Remembering Workbook Position and Size
Removing a Directory
Removing All Formatting
Removing All Macros
Removing All Macros
Removing Cells Containing Specific Terms
Removing Dashes from ISBN Numbers
Removing Duplicates Based on a Partial Match
Removing Filters and Unhiding Rows and Columns on Multiple Worksheets
Removing Filters and Unhiding Rows and Columns on Multiple Worksheets
Removing Personal Information
Removing Protection from a Protected Workbook
Removing Spaces
Removing the Last Digit in a Number
Renaming a File
Renaming Worksheets Based On a List
Repeating a Pattern when Copying or Filling Cells
Repeating Rows on a Printout Except On the Last Page
Replacing Background Colors in Cells
Replacing Cell Formats
Replacing Characters at the End of a Cell
Replacing Commas with Periods
Replacing Dashes with Periods
Replacing in Worksheets and Comments At the Same Time
Replacing Letters with Numbers
Replacing Links with Values
Replacing Only Whole Words in Excel
Replacing Only Whole Words in Excel
Replacing Some Formulas with the Formula Results
Replacing Some Formulas with the Formula Results
Replacing Tildes at the Beginning of a Cell
Replacing Tildes at the Beginning of a Cell
Requiring Input
Resetting Default Names for New Worksheets
Resizing a Text Box in a Macro
Resolving Revisions
Retrieving Worksheet Names (Microsoft Excel)
Returning an ANSI Value
Returning Blanks or Asterisks from a Lookup
Returning Blanks with VLOOKUP
Returning Item Codes Instead of Item Names
Returning Least-Significant Digits
Returning Nothing If Two Values are Empty
Returning Nothing If Two Values are Empty
Returning the Left-most Characters
Returning the Minimum of Integers of a Range
Returning the MODE of a Range
Returning the Smallest Non-Zero Value
Returning Values to the Left of a VLOOKUP
Returning Zero When a Referenced Cell is Blank
Reversing Cell Contents
Reversing Integer Values
Reversing Names In Place
Reversing Names In Place
Roman Numerals for Page Numbers
Rounding by 10
Rounding in Results
Rounding Numbers
Rounding Numbers
Rounding Time
Rounding Time
Rounding to Even and Odd Values
Rounding to the Nearest $50
Rounding To the Nearest Even Integer
Rounding to the Nearest Half Dollar
Rounding to the Nearest Quarter Hour
Rounding Up to a Value Ending in 9
Rounding Up to the Next Half
Rounding Up to the Next Half
Running a Macro when a Workbook is Closed
Running a Macro when a Worksheet is Deactivated
Running a Procedure when a Workbook is Opened
Saving a Custom Table Style
Saving a Workbook in a Macro
Saving a Workbook Using Passwords
Saving a Workbook with a Preview
Saving All Open Workbooks
Saving an Unsavable Workbook
Saving Changes in the Personal Workbook
Saving Changes when Closing
Saving Common Formulas
Saving Excel Configuration Settings
Saving in Multiple Locations
Saving in Two Locations
Saving Information in a Text File
Saving Movement on Enter with a Workbook
Saving Non-Existent Changes
ScreenTip for an Image
Searching by Columns, by Default
Searching Comments
Searching for a Value Using a Function
Searching for a Value Using a Function
Searching for All
Searching for Line Breaks
Searching for Wildcards
Searching Very Large Strings in a Macro
Seeing Excel's Program Window
Seeing the Difference on the Status Bar
Segregating Numbers According to Their Sign
Select One Cell and Make Another Cell Bold
Selecting a Range of Cells Relative to the Current Cell
Selecting a Range of Cells Relative to the Current Cell
Selecting a Specific Cell in a Macro
Selecting a Specific Cell in a Macro
Selecting All Visible Worksheets in a Macro
Selecting Columns in VBA when Cells are Merged
Selecting Columns in VBA when Cells are Merged
Selecting Formulas
Selecting Multiple Cells by Mistake
Selecting Random Names
Selecting the First Cell In a Row
Selecting to the Bottom of a Column in a Macro
Selecting Visible Cells in a Macro
Selective Headers and Footers
Selective Summing
Selectively Importing Records
Self-Aware Macros
Self-Deleting Macros
Sending an E-mail when a Due Date is Reached
Sending Single Worksheets via E-mail
Separating Cells Based on Text Color
Separating Evens and Odds
Separating Text by Color
Sequential Page Numbers Across Worksheets
Setting a Default for Shifting when Inserting
Setting a Length Limit on Cells
Setting a Transparent Color for an Image
Setting an Upper Threshold for a Cell
Setting Cell Color Based on Numeric Values
Setting Column Width in a Macro
Setting Default Attributes for Lines and Arrows
Setting Default Print Margins
Setting Header-Footer Margins
Setting Minimums and Maximums when AutoFitting Column Widths
Setting Orientation of Cell Values
Setting Print Ranges for Multiple Worksheets
Setting Print Titles
Setting Program Window Size in a Macro
Setting Row Height in a Macro
Setting Spell-Checking Options
Setting the Calculation Default
Setting the Calculation Default
Setting the Print Area
Shading Based on Odds and Evens
Sheets for Days
Sheets for Months
Shortcut for Selecting a Data Range
Shortcut for Viewing Formulas
Shortcut to Enter GMT
Shortcut to Move between Two Worksheets
Shortening ZIP Codes
Showing Filter Criteria on a Printout
Showing Print Preview for the Current Page
Showing Text when a Cell is Empty
Shrinking Cell Contents
Single-Use Drop-Down List
Sizing Columns and Rows Using the Keyboard
Sizing Text Boxes and Cells the same
Skipping Hidden Rows in a Macro
Skipping Rows when Filling
Solving a Quadratic Equation
Sorting a Range of Cells
Sorting an Entire List
Sorting by Colors
Sorting by the Last Digits in Variable Length Data
Sorting by the Last Digits in Variable Length Data
Sorting Conditional Formats Properly
Sorting Data Containing Merged Cells
Sorting Data on Protected Worksheets
Sorting Dates and Times
Sorting Dates by Month
Sorting Decimal Values
Sorting Decimal Values
Sorting IP Addresses
Sorting Letters and Numbers
Sorting Serial Numbers by Their Trailing Characters
Sorting Text as Numbers
Sorting with Graphics
Sorting Worksheets According to Region
Sorting ZIP Codes
Special Characters In Hyperlinks
Specifying a Data Validation Error Message
Specifying a Delimiter when Saving a CSV File in a Macro
Specifying a Paper Tray in a Macro
Specifying an Order for Page Printing
Specifying Date Formats in Headers
Specifying Default Hyperlink Text
Specifying Different Weekends with NETWORKDAYS
Specifying Font Color in a Formula
Specifying Location for a Message Box
Specifying Print Quantity in a Cell
Specifying Proper Case
Specifying Superscript Text
Specifying the Behavior of the Enter Key
Specifying the Number of Worksheets in a New Workbook
Speeding Up Large Worksheets
Spell-Checking in a Protected Worksheet
Splitting Cells by Case
Splitting Cells to Individual Columns
Splitting Information into Rows
Splitting Sentences to Cells
Spreading Out Worksheet Rows
Starting in Safe Mode
Starting Out Formulas
Status Bar Summing No Longer Available
StatusBar - Macro, while Running, Stops Excel from Responding
Stepping Through a Macro with a Worksheet Visible
Stepping Through a Non-Contiguous Range of Cells
Stopping a Checked Box from being Unchecked
Stopping a Checked Box from being Unchecked
Stopping a Workbook from Persistently Auto-Loading
Stopping a Worksheet from being Moved or Copied
Stopping Date Parsing when Opening a CSV File
Stopping Screen Shifting
Stopping the Deletion of Cells
Stopping Validated Data from being Overwritten
Stopping Worksheets from being Reprotected
Store Common Macros in the Personal Macro Wor
Storing a User's Location before Running a Macro
Storing Macros in Templates
Strange Formula Conversions
Strange Message about Others Making Changes in a Workbook
Sub Worksheet_Change
Summing Absolute Values
Summing Based on Part of a Control Cell
Summing Based on Part of the Information in a Cell
Summing Cells Using a Particular Background Color
Summing Digits in a Value
Summing Every Fourth Cell in a Row
Summing Every Fourth Cell in a Row
Summing Every Fourth Cell in a Row
Summing Only Cells Containing Formulas
Summing Only Positive Values
Summing Only the Largest Portion of a Range
Summing Only Visible Values
Summing When the First Character Matches a Value
Summing When the First Character Matches a Value
Superscripts in Custom Formats
Superscripts in Find and Replace
Swapping Two Numbers
Swapping Two Strings
Switching Headers in a Frozen Row
Switching Windows in a Macro
Synchronizing Lists
Synchronous Scrolling with More than Two Windows
Tab Key Jumps a Screen at a Time
Tab Key Won't Move from Cell to Cell in Locked Worksheet
Tab Key Won't Move from Cell to Cell in Locked Worksheet
Taking a Picture
Taking Bold Text into Account in a Sort
Taking Pictures
Taking the Time into Account in a Formula
Telling which Worksheets are Selected
Testing for an Empty Worksheet
Testing if a Workbook is Open
The EDATE Function
Throwing Out the Lowest Score
Toggling AutoFilter
Tombstone Date Math
Too Many Formats when Sorting
Tools on Developer Tab are Unavailable
Totaling Across Worksheets
Tracing Precedent Cells
Transferring Data between Worksheets Using a Macro
Transferring Ribbon Customizations
Transposing and Linking
Triggering an Event when a Worksheet is Deactivated
Trimming Off All Spaces
Trimming Spaces from Strings
Trouble Recording Paste Special Formula
Turning a Cell Red when a Threshold is Exceeded
Turning a Cell Red when a Threshold is Exceeded
Turning Headers On and Off
Turning Off AutoFill
Turning Off AutoFill for a Workbook
Turning Off AutoFill for a Workbook
Turning Off Automatic Capitalization
Turning Off Capital Corrections
Turning Off Display of Zeros for All Worksheets
Turning Off Error Checking
Turning Off Hyperlink Activation
Turning Off Hyperlink Activation
Turning Off Insert Options
Turning Off Paste Options
Turning Off Paste Options
Turning Off Screen Updating
Turning Off ScreenTips
Turning Off Track Changes without Unsharing
Turning Off Worksheet Tabs
Turning Off Worksheet Tabs
Two-Level Axis Labels
Tying a Hyperlink to a Specific Cell
Typing Check Marks into Excel
Uncovering and Removing Links
Understanding Add-Ins
Understanding Auditing
Understanding AutoComplete
Understanding Date and Time Formatting Codes
Understanding Functions in Macros
Understanding Functions in Macros
Understanding Manual Calculation
Understanding Operators
Understanding R1C1 References
Understanding Relative and Absolute Addressing
Understanding Relative and Absolute Addressing
Understanding Subroutines
Understanding Subroutines
Understanding the Personal Workbook Filename
Understanding the Select Case Structure
Understanding the While...Wend Structure
Understanding Underlines
Understanding Variables in VBA Macros
Understanding Variables in VBA Macros
Understanding Views
Understanding Views
Unhiding a Limited Number of Columns
Unhiding a Single Column
Unhiding Columns that are Persistently Hidden
Unhiding Columns that are Persistently Hidden
Unhiding Multiple Worksheets
Unique Date Displays
Unique Military Date Format
Unlocking a Worksheet with an Unknown Password
Unprotecting Groups of Worksheets
Unwanted Hyperlinks
Unwanted Weekend Dates in Chart
Updating Automatically when Opening Under Macro Control
Updating Links
Using a Cell Value as a Worksheet Name in a Formula
Using a Custom Date Format in a Header or Footer
Using a Custom Format to Add Dashes
Using a Custom Format to Add Dashes
Using a Different Footer on Secondary Pages
Using a Formula in a Footer
Using a Formula in a Footer
Using a Formula to Replace Spaces with Dashes
Using a Macro to Set a Print Range
Using a Numeric Portion of a Cell in a Formula
Using a Single Password for Multiple Workbooks
Using a Two-Character Day of the Week in a Date Format
Using a Week Number as One Criterion in a Formula
Using an Exact Number of Digits
Using an Input Mask
Using AutoComplete with Disjointed Lists
Using AutoComplete with Disjointed Lists
Using Check Boxes
Using Classic PivotTable Layout as the Default
Using Copy and Paste for Formatting
Using COUNTIF with Colors
Using Custom Add-Ins
Using Data Forms
Using Data Forms
Using Data Validation
Using Duplex Printing
Using Dynamic Chart Titles
Using Excel for Timing
Using Find and Replace to Find Conditionally Formatted Cells
Using Find and Replace to Pre-Pend Characters
Using Go To to Jump to a Chart Sheet
Using InputBox to Get Data
Using Macros in Protected Workbooks
Using Multiple Print Settings
Using Named Ranges in a Macro
Using Revision Tracking
Using Seek In a Macro
Using Slashed Zeroes
Using Stored Views
Using SUM In a Macro
Using the ABS Function
Using the COLUMN Function
Using the COLUMN Function
Using the FORECAST Function
Using the IF Worksheet Function
Using the INT Worksheet Function
Using the IRR Function
Using the IRR Function
Using the Macros On the ExcelTips Website
Using the MROUND Worksheet Function
Using the MROUND Worksheet Function
Using the REPT Function
Using the Same Range Name on Different Worksheets
Using the Status Bar
Using the Status Bar
Using the TRUNC Worksheet Function
Using the UNIQUE Function
Using the WEEKNUM Function
Using the XIRR Function
Using Windows in Safe Mode
Viewing Comments
Viewing Formula Results
Viewing the Contents of a Very Wide Cell on Demand
Viewing Two Worksheets At Once
Watermarks in Excel
Ways to Concatenate Values
Weekdays in a Month
Weird Actions for Arrow Keys and Enter
Weird Mouse Shortcut
When Clicking a Cell, Excel Jumps to a Different Cell
Where Is that Text
Who Has the Workbook Open
Widening a Column to a Particular Cell's Width
Widening Multiple Columns Proportionally
Widening Multiple Columns Proportionally
Wildcards in 'Replace With' Text
Workbook Events
Workbooks Opening as Read-Only
Working in Feet and Inches
Working with Elapsed Time
Working with Imperial Linear Distances
Working with Multiple Printers
X-Axis Dates Lose Formatting
Years in Which a Date Occurred on a Particular Day
Zooming With the Keyboard

Tips.Net (Windows.Tips.Net by Barry Dysert )
A More Private Start Menu
A Shortcut for Switching Focus
Adding a Password to a User Account
Adding a Printer
Adding a Toolbar to the Taskbar
Adding a User Account
Adding and Deleting Fonts
Adding Apps using Microsoft Store
Adding Items to the New Context Menu
Adding Locations to the Search Index
Adding the Administrative Tools Option
Adding the Administrative Tools Option to the Start Menu
Adding the Day of the Week to the Taskbar Clock
Adjusting Display Magnification
Adjusting How Quickly Your Keyboard Responds
Adjusting the Cursor Blink Rate
Adjusting the Mouse Double-Click Speed
Adjusting the Mouse for Left-Handed Users
AdminPower - Feeling All Powerful
AdminPower - More Power to You
Agent Ransack
Allowing Remote Desktop
Arranging Desktop Windows
Assigning a Picture to a Folder
Assigning a Shortcut Key to a Desktop Shortcut
Assigning a Shortcut Key to a Start Menu Item
Author Barry Dysert
Available RAM Slots
Backing Up the Windows Registry
Batch Files, Part 1
Batch Files, Part 2
Batch Files, Part 3 The IF Command
Batch Files, Part 4 The CALL Statement
Better Sound with Windows Sonic
Blocking Automatic Installation of Microsoft Edge
Buy CD with 900 pages ExcelTips - The Macros
Camera Privacy
Camera Privacy Settings
Change the Default Appended Name for New Folders
Change the Default Name for New Folders
Change Your Pointer
Changing a Computer's Name
Changing a Disk Drive's Name
Changing a Program's Compatibility Settings
Changing a User's Account Type
Changing Behavior for Audio CDs
Changing Explorer Navigation Controls
Changing File Explorer's Default Startup Location
Changing File Explorer's Default Startup Location
Changing How Tasks Appear on the Taskbar
Changing How the Power Button Behaves
Changing How User Account Control Works
Changing How User Account Control Works (Tips.Net)
Changing Icons
Changing Lock Screen Apps
Changing Regional Settings
Changing Regional Settings
Changing Shortcut Properties
Changing the Characteristics of the Recycle Bin
Changing the Default Desktop Icons
Changing the Default Program for a File
Changing the default program for a file
Changing the Hidden Attribute for a File
Changing the Lock Screen's Background Picture
Changing the MAC Address for a Network Adapter
Changing the Program Associated with a File Type
Changing the Program that Opens a File
Changing Time Settings
Changing User Permissions for a File
Changing User Permissions for an Entire Drive
Changing Your Internet Home Page
Changing Your Screen Saver
Changing Your System Date and Time
Choosing a Power Management Plan
Choosing an Icon Size for the Taskbar
Classic Shell - Start menu and other Windows enhancements
Clean Boot Windows 10
Clearing Items from the Recently Used Documents List
Clearing the Address Resolution Protocol Cache
Clearing Your Jump Lists
Clipboard History
Closing an Open Port
Command Line For Loop
Command Prompt (CMD) to Change Your Computer Name
Command Prompt's New Tricks
Completely Delete Files with Cipher
Configuring Windows to Do Backups on a Schedule
Connecting a Bluetooth Keyboard (Tips.Net)
Controlling the Display of System Icons in the Notification Area
Controlling the Size of the Windows Page File
Controlling the Taskbar on Multiple Monitors
Copying Data with XCopy
Copying Files Using the Command Line
Counting Files and Subfolders Using the Command Prompt
Counting the Number of Files or Subfolders Using PowerShell
Creating a CD-DVD Archive
Creating a Custom Power Management Plan
Creating a Custom View in the Event Viewer
Creating a Custom View in the Event Viewer
Creating a Desktop Shortcut for a Favorite Web Page
Creating a Disk Partition
Creating a Flip 3D Taskbar Shortcut
Creating a Flip 3D Taskbar Shortcut
Creating a Hierarchy Map of Your Hard Drive
Creating a Library
Creating a List of Files in a Directory
Creating a Media Player Playlist
Creating a New Desktop - W10
Creating a PIN for Sign-in
Creating a QR Code for a Web Page
Creating a System Image
Creating a System Repair Disc
Creating a System Repair Disk on a USB Flash Drive
Creating a System Restore Point
Creating and Using Compressed Folders
Creating Registry Keys or Values
Currency Conversions
Customizing Quick Actions
Customizing the Explorer's File List Display
Customizing the Send To Menu
Customizing the SendTo Menu
Customizing the SendTo Menu
Customizing the Start Menu
Customizing What Appears on the Right Side of the Start Menu
Customizing What Appears on the Right Side of the Start Menu
CutePDF Writer
Defining Words Quickly
Defragmenting a Hard Drive
Deleting a Power Management Plan
Deleting Additional Clocks
Deleting All Restore Points
Deleting Events in Your Event Logs
Determining How Much Space the Files in a Folder Require
Determining If a Drive Should be Defragmented
Determining if You Have 32-bit or 64-bit Windows
Determining the MAC Address for a Network Device
Differences between Hibernate and Sleep
Disable Edge Chromium Background Processes after Closing
Disabling a Laptop's Touchpad
Disabling Automatic Updates
Disabling Printing in Edge Chromium
Disabling Startup Apps
Disabling the Windows 10 Blurred Sign-on Screen
Disabling USB Storage Devices
Displaying a Calendar
Displaying All the Files in a Folder using the Command Prompt
Displaying Seconds in the System Tray Clock
Displaying the Home Button in Microsoft Edge
Displaying the PC Settings Screen
Displaying the Start Menu Using the Keyboard
Displaying the Volume Icon in the Taskbar
Drag to Install Fonts
Draw Where You Want to Go
Easily Running a Program as the Administrator
Edge Chromium Clearing All Data on Close
Editing a Media Player Playlist
Editing Registry Values
Editing the Windows Registry
Enabling and Disabling Windows Features
Enabling Libraries in File Explorer
Enabling Safe Mode
Enabling Speech to Text Dictation
Enlarging Screen Font Size
Estimating Battery Life
Evaluating System Performance Using the Task Manager
Everything (Tips.Net)
Exporting a Portion of the Registry
Fast Undistracted Web Reading
Figuring Out Your IP Address
File Explorer Shortcut List
Filtering a Folder's Content
Finding a Device Driver's Version
Finding Information in the Registry
Finding Information in the Registry
Finding Your Wi-Fi Password
Freeing Up Disk Space by Deleting Old OS Files
Generate a Wireless Network Report
Generating a Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report
Get a Sense of Your Storage
Get Text Suggestions and Autocorrection
Getting a List of User Accounts
Getting Information about Files Searched For
Getting Narration through the Ease of Access Center
Getting Rid of a Built-in Windows Library
Getting Rid of Hidden Thumbs.db Files
Getting Rid of Old Windows Updates
Getting Rid of the Lock Screen
Getting Rid of Your Windows 7 Password
Getting the Steps Down
Getting to Know the Ease of Access Center
Grabbing a Screen Shot
Grouping Tiles on the Start Screen
Hiding and Displaying the Volume Control
Hiding Folders Under This PC
Hiding the System Date and Time
Hiding the Taskbar when It is Not in Use
Host File - Modifying Your Hosts 2 File
Host File - Modifying Your Hosts File
Host File - Modifying Your Hosts File
Host File - Understanding Your Hosts File
Host File - Understanding Your Hosts File
Host File - Using the Hosts File to Block Content
Host File - Using the Hosts File to Block Content
How the Registry is Organized
How to Change Drive Letters
How to Choose between 32- and 64-bit Windows
How to Choose between 32- and 64-bit Windows
How to Run a Program when Windows Starts
Importing a Portion of the Registry
Improving Text Sharpness with ClearType
Increasing the Number of Restore Points
Introduction to Microsoft Edge
Introduction to PowerShell
Introduction to PowerShell
KeePass Password Safe
Keeping the Scroll Bar
Left-Handed Mouse
Limiting when Others Can Use Your Shared Printer
Listing Folder and Directory Content Using Command Prompt
Lock Your Computer With Your Phone
Locking and Unlocking the Taskbar
Logging In with Local vs. Microsoft Credentials
Making a File Read-Only
Making Sure Num Lock is On
Making Sure Num Lock is On (Tips.Net)
Mapping a Network Drive
Microsoft Edge Extensions
Microsoft Edge Extensions
Microsoft Word VBA Guidebook
Modifying How Windows Notifies You of Impending Changes
Modifying or Deleting a Program's Schedule
Modifying the Color Scheme
Modifying the General Startup Process
Modifying the Number of Jump List Items
Modifying the Size of Items in Windows
Modifying What is Started when You Start Windows
Monitoring Data Usage
Moving Files or Folders
Moving Files Using the Command Line
Moving the Music Folder
Moving the Taskbar to a Different Edge of the Screen
Moving Your Downloads Folder
Moving Your Downloads Folder
Moving Your Page File (Tips.Net)
MSCONFIG _ Modifying Windows Startup Services
Notice Your Notifications
Opening Websites from the Taskbar
Opstart af program ved PC start
Organizing the All Programs Menu
Over a Hundred Free Windows E-Books
PDF on Demand
Performing a Factory Reset
Pin Items to File Explorer's Quick Access View
Pin Items to the Start Screen
Pin Items to the Taskbar
Powercfg - Using Powercfg to Change the Active Power Scheme
Powercfg - Using Powercfg to Export and Import a Power Scheme
Powercfg - Using Powercfg to List Your Existing Power Schemes
Powerful Control Panel
PowerShell - Input and Output
Printing a Process List
Profiles in Edge Chromium
Putting the Control Panel on the Desktop
Quick Assist for Quick Help
Quick Event Creation
Quick Photo Printing
Quick Screen Capture
Quickly Finding Your IP Address (Tips.Net)
Ransomware Defense
Rebuilding the Search Index
Regaining Control of Your System
Remove Shortcut when You Make a Shortcut
Removing a File Type Program Association
Removing a File Type Program Association
Removing a Place from the Recent Places or Quick Access Lists
Removing Locations from the Search Index
Removing Spyware with Windows Defender
Renaming a Bluetooth Device
Renaming Files Using the Command Line
Renaming Folders Pinned to Quick Access
Renaming with Emoticons
Repairing Your System Using a System Repair Disk
Resizing a Disk Partition
Restoring from a Backup
Restoring Send To Desktop (Create Shortcut)
Restoring the Built-in Windows Libraries
Restoring the Built-in Windows Libraries
Review and Clear Bing Search History
Reviewing the Windows Update History
Robocopy - Checking the Archive Attribute with Robocopy
Robocopy - Copying Data with Robocopy
Robocopy - Logging Robocopy Operations
Robocopy - Specifying a Copy Schedule in Robocopy
Robocopy - Understanding Robocopy
Robocopy - Using Robocopy to Copy Entire Directories
Robocopy - Using Robocopy to Mirror Directories
Robocopy - With File Sizes and Ages
Rolling Back a Driver
Running a Batch File at a Scheduled Time
Running a Program as Administrator
Running a Program as the Administrator
Running Older Programs in Windows
Saving a Windows Search
Saving Search Queries
Scanning and Fixing System Files
Scanning and Fixing System Files (Tips.Net)
Scheduling a Program to Run on a Schedule
Scheduling a Program to Run on a Schedule.2
Search a Website Using the Run Dialog Box
Search Index, Understanding the
Search the Web Using the Run Dialog Box
Selecting a Window
Selecting Objects
Send To Menu - Customizing
Setting an Alarm
Setting an Alarm (Tips.Net)
Setting Data Usage Limits
Setting the Default Browser
Setting Time Limits for Windows 10 Users
Setting Up Startup Boost in Edge
Setting Up Your Wi-Fi Enabled Computer As a Hotspot
Setting Up Your Wi-Fi Enabled Computer As a Hotspot
Settings Compared to Control Panel
Share with a Nearby Computer
Shortcuts Every Windows User Should Know
Should I Leave My Computer On All the Time
Signs Your Computer has a Virus
Specifying a Screen Orientation
Specifying a Time Server for Windows to Use
Specifying a Time Server for Windows to Use.2
Specifying How Clicking Works
Specifying the Default Printer
Start Menu Folders
Starting Applications Automatically when Starting Windows
Starting Applications Automatically when Starting Windows
Starting Windows 10 in Safe Mode
Stopping or Deleting a Print Job
Stopping Windows from Creating Thumbs.db Files
Switching Between Command Line and File Explorer
Switching between Users in Windows
Syncing Settings between Computers
Taking Control of Your Storage Space
Toggling Delete Confirmation
Tracking Down Who Installed or Removed a Program or App
Tracking Prevention
Turning Off Aero
Turning Off Bothersome Windows Messages
Turning Off Window Drop-Shadows
Turning on Night Light
Turning On the Display of File Extensions
Two Quick Ways to Close a Frozen App
Understanding Action Center
Understanding Aero Peek
Understanding and Changing AutoPlay Settings
Understanding and Controlling Third-Party Cookies
Understanding and Using File Attributes
Understanding Compatibility Settings
Understanding Compressed Folders
Understanding Data Execution Prevention
Understanding File System Formats
Understanding Indexed Search
Understanding ISO Images
Understanding Jump Lists
Understanding Optional Features
Understanding Processes in the Task Manager
Understanding Remote Assistance
Understanding Storage Spaces
Understanding System Protection
Understanding the Control Panel
Understanding the Guest Account
Understanding the Notification Area
Understanding the NTFS File System
Understanding the NTFS File System (Tips.Net)
Understanding the Recycle Bin
Understanding the Search Index
Understanding the Start Menu
Understanding the Task Manager
Understanding the Task Scheduler
Understanding the Windows Experience Index
Understanding the WinX Menu
Understanding USB Speeds
Understanding User Account Control
Understanding User Account Types
Understanding Virtual Memory
Understanding Virtual Memory
Understanding Windows Defender
Understanding Windows Firewall
Understanding Windows Slide Show
Understanding Windows Update
Understanding XPS Documents
Understanding Your Hosts File
Understanding ZIP Folders
Use Cmd to Find Your Computer Serial Number
Use PowerShell to Find Your Computer Serial Number
Using an On-Screen Keyboard
Using Desktop Themes
Using Desktop Themes from Around the World
Using Edge Chromium to Screen Capture a Web Page (Tips.Net)
Using File History
Using Microsoft Fix It
Using Notepad
Using Offline Files
Using the ''Find'' Command
Using the ChkDsk Utility
Using the ChkDsk Utility
Using the Device Manager
Using the DiskPart Utility
Using the Find Command
Using the Findstr Command
Using the Findstr Command
Using the FOR Statement
Using the Magnifier
Using the Snipping Tool
Using the Sort Command
Using the Sort Command
Using the System Configuration Utility
Using the Voice Recorder
Using Toggle Keys
Using Windows DVD Maker
Using Windows Easy Transfer
Using Windows in Safe Mode
Using Your Own Pictures as Wallpaper
Ways to Combine Two (or More) Text Files
What are Modern Apps
What are the Limits on File Names
Which Version of Windows am I Running
Wielding the Power
Windows 11 Processor Requirements
Windows Key Shortcut List
Windows Run Commands
Wiping a Drive
Working with ISO Files